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Cleft Lip and Palate Bibliography

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Cleft Lip and Palate
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Last Search run on 8 Jun 2000, at 14:57
Contains 51 references
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10 "Oldest" Classic References

12966. Thurston,EO (1909): A case of medial hare-lip associated with other malformations. Lancet 2, 996-997.

12964. Weaver,DF; Bellinger,DH (1946): Bifid nose associated with midline cleft of the upper lip. Arch. Otolaryngol. 44, 480-482.

17626. Miller,OJ; Breg,WR; Schmickel,RD; Tretter,W (1961): A family with an XXXXY male, a leukaemic maile, and two 21-trisomic mongoloid females. Lancet 2, 78-79.

2364. Walker,JC; Clodius,L (1963): The syndromes of cleft lip, cleft palate and lobster claw deromities of hands and feet. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 32, 627-636.

12681. Harris,JWS (1964): Oligohydramnios and cortisone-induced cleft palate. Nature 203, 533-534.

12930. Goldberg,MF (1966): Waardenburg's syndrome with fundus and other anomalies. Arch. Ophthalmol. 76, 797-810.

12954. Fuhrmann,W; Stahl,A; Schroeder,TM (1966): Das oro-facio-digitale syndromZugleich eine Diskussion der Erbg„nge mit geschlechtsbegrenztem Letaleffekt. Humangenetik 2, 133-164.

12961. Wahrman,J; Berant,M; Jacobs,J; Aviad,I; Ben-Hur,N (1966): The oral- facial-digital syndrome: A male lethal condition in a boy with 47/XXY chromosomes. Pediatrics 37, 812-821.

13703. Dodge,JA; Kernohan,DC (1967): Oral-facial-digital syndrome. Arch. Dis. Child. 42, 214-219.

13868. Meadow,SR (1968): Anticonvulsant drugs and congenital abnormalities. Lancet 2, 1296.

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20956. Castilla,EE; Martinez-Frias,ML (1995): Congenital healed cleft lip. Am. J. Med. Genet. 58, 106-112.

20928. Christensen,K; Schmidt,MM; Vaeth,M; Olsen,J (1995): Absence of an environmental effect on the recurrence of facial-cleft defects. N. Engl. J. Med. 333, 161-164.

19870. Nelson,J; Nevin,NC; Hanna,EJ (1994): Polydactyly in a carrier of the gene for the Meckel syndrome. Am. J. Med. Genet. 53, 207-209.

19023. Mino,Y; Mizusawa,H; Shiota,K (1994): Effects of anticonvulsant drugs on fetal mouse palates cultured in vitro. Reprod. Toxicol. 8(3), 225-230.

20583. Hujoel,PP; Bollen,AM; Mueller,BA (1992): First-year mortality among infants with facial clefts. Cleft Palate Craniofac. J. 29(5), 451-455.

20133. McLean,SD; Saal,HM; Spinner,NB; Emanuel,BS; Driscoll,DA (1992): Velo- cardio-facial syndrome. Intrafamilial variability of the phenotype. Am. J. Dis. Child. 147, 1212-1216.

17031. Nardi,AC; Ferreira,U; Netto,NR Jr; Magna,LA; Rodini,ESO; Richieri-Costa,A (1992): Urinary tract involvement in EEC syndrome: A clinical study in 25 Brazilian patients. Am. J. Med. Genet. 44, 803-806.

16160. Loesch,DZ; Hay,DA; Sheffield,LJ (1992): Fragile X family with unusual digital and facial abnormalities, cleft lip and palate, and epilepsy. Am. J. Med. Genet. 44, 543-550.

15692. Mitchell,LE; Risch,N (1992): Mode of inheritance of nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate: A reanalysis. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 51(1- 2), 323-332.

13296. Rodini,ESO; Nardi,A; Guion-Almeida,ML; Richieri-Costa,A (1992): Ectodermal dysplasia, ectrodactyly, clefting, anophthalmia/microphalmia, and genitourinary anomalies: Nosology of Goltz-Gorlin syndrome versus EEC sydnrome. Am. J. Med. Genet. 42, 276-280.

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