- Establish birth defects surveillance systems, treatment and prevention programs based on international standards.
- Prevent developmental disabilities related to institutionalizations with emphasis on early interventions.
- Promote creation of parental support groups.
- Promote medical education, training and research through national and international partnerships.
- Estabilish electronic information resources for dissemination and tele-consultations.
About OMNI-Net | Initiatives | Progress Reports | Publications | Eurocat Member | ICBDSR Member | Map | Statistics | In Ukrainian
Progress Reports
"Malformations in a Chornobyl-Impacted Region" (Article published in the Pediatrics journal in March 2010):
Full text in English (pdf, 460 Kb)
Full text Ukrainian translation (pdf, 336 Kb)
Press release in Ukrainian (pdf, 84 Kb)
Editorial article by Pediatrics editor-in-chief (pdf, 47 Kb)
Ukrainian translation of the Editorial article by Pediatrics editor-in-chief (pdf, 63 Kb)
"Debate over health effects of Chernobyl re-ignited", Lancet comment (pdf, 167 Kb)
Ukrainian translation of the "Debate over health effects of Chernobyl re-ignited" Lancet comment (pdf, 167 Kb)
Higher birth-defect rate seen in Chernobyl area, Reuters comment (pdf, 29 Kb)
"Chronic radiation exposure in the Rivne-Polissia region of Ukraine: implications for birth defects" (abstract of an article published in the American Juornal of Human Biology - full text is available upon request)