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International Birth Defects Information Systems

International Birth Defects Information Systems


Contains 452 references
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70418. Forel,AH (1893): The effect of alcoholic intoxication upon the human brain and its relation to the theories of heredity and evolution. Quart. J. Inebr. 15(3), 203-221.

11247. Nicloux,M (1900): Passage de l'alcool ingéré de la mère su foetus et passage de l"alcool ingéré dans le lait, en particulier chez la femme. Obstetriq. 5, 97-132.

70421. MacNicholl,TA (1905): A study of the effects of alcohol on school children. Quart. J. Inebr. 27(2), 113-117.

73314. Stockard,CR (1910): Influence of alcohol and other anaesthetics on embryonic development. Am. J. Anat. 10, 369-392.

70417. Ballantyne,JW (1917): Alcohol and antenatal child welfare. Brit. J. Ineb. 14(3), 93-116.

73317. Stockard,CR (1924): Alcohol as a factory in eliminating racial degeneracy. Am. J. Med. Sci. 167, 469-477.

73318. Stockard,CR (1932): The effects of alsohol if evelopment and heredity. In: Alcohol and Man. (Ed: Emerson,H) Macmillan, New York, 103-119.

9655. Kaij,L (1960): Alcoholism in Twins. Studies on the Etiology and Sequels of Abuse of Alcohol. Amquist & Wiksell, Stockholm. 144 pages.

2398. Cruz-Coke,R; Varela,A (1966): Inheritance of alcoholism. Its association with colour-blindness. Lancet 2(10 Dec), 1282-1284.

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21316. Shu,X-O; Ross,JA; Pendergrass,TW; Reaman,GH; Lampkin,B; Robinson,LL (1996): Parental alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and risk of infant leukemia: a children's cancer study group. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 88, 24-31.

15590. Makela,P; Valkonen,T; Martelin,T (1997): Contribution of deaths related to alcohol used to socioeconomic variation in mortality: register based follow up study. Br. Med. J. 315, 211-216.

16331. Thun,MJ; Peto,R; Lopez,AD; Monaco,JH; Henley,SJ; Heath,Jr,CW; Doll,R (1997): Alcohol consumption and mortality among middle aged and elderly US adults. N. Engl. J. Med. 337(24), 1705-1713.

20534. Moore,CA; Khoury,MJ; Liu,Y (1997): Does light-to-moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy increase the risk for renal anomalies among offspring? Pediatrics 99(4), 11.

21756. Swayze,VW; Johnson,VP; Hanson,JW; Piven,J; Sato,Y; Giedd,JN; Mosnik,D; Andreasen,NC (1997): Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Anomalies in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Pediatrics 99(2), 232-240.
<<corpus callosum>>

21848. Cleare,AJ; Wessely,SC (1997): Just what the doctor ordered-more alcohol and sex. Br. Med. J. 315, 1637-1638.

21996. Editorial (1997): alcohol consumption among pregnant and childbearing-aged women-United States, 1991 and 1995. MMWR 46(16), 346-350.
<<16% women drink at conception; 12% drink over 1 drink per day>>

22204. Sabroe,S (1998): Alcohol and Cancer. Br. Med. J. 317(September), 827.

22216. Uecker,A; Nadel,L (1998): Spatial but not Object Memory Impairments in Children with Fetal Alcohol syndrome. Am. J. Ment. Retard. 103(1), 12-18.

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Alcohol, Other Drugs and Pregnancy
CANBASE is the national bibliographic database of Canadian substance abuse publications. 

[French] Alcool, Les Autres Drogues et la Grossesse
La base de données CANBASE renferme les titres des ouvrages publiés au Canada sur les toxicomanies.

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