The State of The World's Children 1998 Focus on Nutrition
UNICEF, 1998
Several approaches exist to prevent vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A can be boosted through homestead gardening
Periodic supplementation that provides high-dose vitamin A capsules
Overall, UNICEF estimates that more than half of all young children in countries where vitamin A deficiency
Several countries have chosen another route to improved vitamin A status
Fortifying the sugar supply. Sugar is also being fortified in parts of Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras and the Philippines, and Zambia
Iron deficiency anaemia is probably the most prevalent nutritional problem in the world
The consequences of anaemia for pregnant women and their newborn children are often disastrous
In 1993, Venezuela began fortifying all wheat and maize flour with iron and B vitamins
Anaemia is made worse by some illnesses, particularly hookworm infection. Malaria is also a major cause of anaemia
The Addition of Vitamins and Minerals to Foods Policy Recommendations
Stefa Katamay, MHSc, RD, Health Canada Santé Canada, July 2000
[English] [French]
Why review Health Canada's policies on food fortification? ...
Food Fortification: Recommendations
Food fortification is an essential element in nutrition strategies to alleviate micronutrient deficiencies
General recommendations
The use of fortification, following the principles outlined in Codex Alimentarius
A multi-sectoral approach must be adopted
Harmonize national legislation concerning fortified foods
Appropriate fortification of foods used in food aid programmes, with donors
Levels of fortification should be evaluated and adjusted according to bioavailability
Evaluate the potential of local food industries
Food Fortification with Micronutrients
... The term “food fortification” means the addition of
nutrients at levels higher than those found in the original food.
Fortification is synonymous with enrichment ...
Micronutrient Initiative
Micronutrient Initiative
Regional offices in South Asia now include Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan
Virtual elimination of iodine deficiency disorders
Virtual elimination of vitamin A deficiency and its
Reduction of iron deficiency anemia in women
Vitamin Reference Guide
D&S Services, 2008
Vitamin A ... Vitamin D ... Vitamin E ...
Recommendations For Vitamin A Use During Pregnancy
Teratology Society Position Paper, TERATOLOGY 35:269275 (1987).
Carotene, e.g., beta-carotene, has not been associated with vitamin A toxic effects. The risk of birth defects owing to synthetic vitamin A analogs has already been documented in humans, excess vitamin A (25,000 IU or more) as retinol/retinyl esters during pregnancy has been associated with some birth defects in a small number of case reports.
Last Updated: 2008/3/19