Principles of Screening
American College of Medical Genetics.
The screening program should have a clearly defined purpose
Distinctions must be made between carrier screening, screening for predisposition to disease, screening for presymptomatic disease, and screening for those affected with disease
Newborn screening is a special case
There should be a defined population for screening
it must be clear whether the purpose is a research or medical care
Screening for clinical purposes preferably should be tied to the availability of intervention
A screening program is more than a laboratory test
Newborn Screening Fact Sheets
Pediatrics Volume 98, Number 3 September, 1996, pp.473-501
Position Statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Hospital Discharge of the High-Risk Neonate--Proposed Guidelines (RE9812)
American Academy of Pediatrics
Four categories of high risk are identified:
1) the preterm infant.
2) the infant who requires technological support.
3) the infant primarily at risk because of family issues.
4) the infant whose irreversible condition will result in an early death.
Guide to optimal age for surgical
Chilean Society of Pediatric Surgery
[Support Groups] [Spanish]
General orientation and recommendations for optimal ages of children in need
of surgical interventions ... hernia, omphalocele, gastroschisis ... hypospadias,
esophageal atresia, ... Poland, ... craniosynostosis ...
Clinical Resources for Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Neonatology on the Web
Neonatology on the Web - Site Index
Neonatology on the Web
Classic Papers in Neonatal Medicine
Neonatology on the Web
Pediatric disorders and diseases reviews
[for Professionals Mainly]
Listing to illustrated and well referenced authoritative review articles by
prestigious experts.
Common Pediatric Health Problems
For Health Care Professionals 187 Problems
For Patients and Families (Consumer Health Information) 200 Problems.
Virtual Children's Hospital
University of Iowa Health Care
Support Organizations
MedMark, 2004
Ambulatory pediatric Association
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
American Epilepsy Society.
National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development
NICHD, April 9, 2008
Search engine and other information
American Academy of Pediatrics
[for Professionals Mainly]
Last Updated: 2008/5/20