10 "Oldest" Classic References
71299. Gross,H; Jellinger,K; Kaltenback,E; Rett,A (1968): Infantile cerebral disorders: clinical-neuropathological correlations to elucidate the aetiological factors. J. Neurol. Sci. 7, 551-564.
8937. Johnson,WG (1980): Metabolic interference and the + - heterozygote. A hypothetical form of simple inheritance which is neither dominant or recessive. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 32, 374-386.
5775. Hagberg,B; Aicardi,J; Dias,K; Ramos,O (1983): A progressive syndrome of autism, dementia, ataxia, and loss of purposeful hand use in girls: Rett's syndrome: Report of 35 cases. Ann. Neurol. 14(4), 472-479.
5770. Zoghbi,HY; Percy,AK; Glaze,DG; Butler,IJ; Riccardi,VM (1985): Reduction of biogenic amine levels in the Rett syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med. 313(15), 921-924.
5771. Holm,VA (1985): Rett's syndrome: A progressive developmental disability in girls. Dev. Behav. Pediatr. 6(1/February), 32-36.
5772. Kerr,AM; Stephenson,JBP (1985): Rett's syndrome in the west of Scotland. Br. Med. J. 291, 579-582.
5774. MacLeod,PM; Wark,JE; Nag,S; Soudek,D (1985): Clinical and ultrastructural studies in a girl with progressive spastic ataxia and stereotyped motor behavior - Rett's syndrome. From the D. W. Smith Workshop on Malformations and Morphogenesis, June 12-14, 1985.
13186. Kerr,AM; Stephenson,JBP (1986): Study of the natural history of Rett syndrome in 23 girls. Am. J. Genet. 1(Suppl), 77-83.
10104. Tariverdian,G; Kantner,G; Vogel,F (1987): A monozygotic twin pair with Rett syndrome. Hum. Genet. 75, 88-90.
72738. The Rett Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria Work Group (1988): Diagnostic criteria for Rett syndrome. Ann. Neurol. 23(4), 425-428.
16109. Schanen,NC; Dahle,EJR; Capozzoli,F; Holm,VA; Zoghbi,HY; Francke,U (1997): A new Rett Syndrome family consistent with X-linked inheritance expands the X chromosome exclusion map. Am. J. Med. Genet. 61, 634-641.
14944. Telvi,L; Leboyer,M; Chiron,C; Feingold,J; Ponsot,G (1996): Is Rett syndrome a chromosome breakage syndrome? Am. J. Med. Genet. 51, 602-605.
14924. Camus,P; Abbadi,N; Perrier,M-C; Chery,M; Gilgenkrantz,S (1996): X chromosome inactivation in 30 girls with Rett syndrome: analysis using the probe. Hum. Genet. 97, 247-250.
15486. Kormann-Bortolotto,MH; Webb,T (1995): Alterations in replication timing of X-chromosome bands in Rett syndrome. J. Intellect. Disabil. Res. 39(2), 91-96.
15273. Naidu,S; Hyman,S; Harris,EL; Narayanan,V; Johns,D; Castora,F (1995): Rett syndrome studies of natural history and search for a genetic marker. Neuropediatrics 26, 63-66.
14925. Haas,RH; Nasirian,F; Hua,X; Nakano,K; Hennessy,M (1995): Oxidative metabolism in Rett syndrome: 2. biochemical and molecular studies. Neuropediatrics 26, 95-99.
17836. Reiss,AL; Faruque,,F; Naidu,S; Abrams,M; Beaty,T; Bryan,RN; Moser,H (1993): Neuroanatomy of Rett syndrome: A volumetric imaging study. Ann. Neurol. 34, 227-234.
17827. Curtis,ARJ; Headland,S; Lindsay,S; Thomas,NST; Boye,E; Kamakari,S; Roustan,P; Anvret,M; Wahlstrom,J; McCarthy,G; Clarke,AJ; Bhattacharya (1993): X chromosome linkage studies in familial Rett syndrome. Hum. Genet. 90, 551-555.
17820. Percy,A (1993): Meeting report: Second International Rett Syndrome Workshop and Symposium (8-11 October 1992, Orlando, Florida). J. Child. Neurol. 8, 97-100.
17819. Kerr,AM; Robertson,P; Mitchell,J (1993): Rett syndrome and the 4th metatarsal. Arch. Dis. Child. 68(3), 433-434.
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