Emperor Claudius stuttered and may have had CP. |
... Martin Bax defined cerebral palsy as a disorder of posture and movement due to a lesion of the immature brain. Disorders of short duration ... which are due to either progressive disease or mental deficiency are excluded ... medical professionals have requested that the definition and classification of cerebral palsy be revisited ... concern that the non-motor neurological dysfunctions commonly seen in cerebral palsy were not being accurately addressed ... international workshop was held in 2004 ... and in 2006, they released a report titled The Classification and Definition of Cerebral Palsy ... defined as, "a group of permenent disorders of the development of the movement and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to nonprogressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal of infant brain. The motor disorders of cerebral palsy are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, perception, cognition, communication, and behavior, by epilepsy, and by secondary musculoskeletal problems." ... children with severe cognitive impairment, but who had no motor signs are not considered to have cerebral palsy ... any motor dysfunction caused by a progressive brain disorder is not cerebral palsy ... advise that the terms diplegia and quadriplagia not be used ...
Reference: The Definition and Classification of Cerebral Palsy. Dev. Med Child Neurol. 2007 Feb;49(s109):1-44. |
Demosthenes overcame stuttering and a spastic shoulder to become a famous orator. |
Cerebral Palsy: A Guide for Care
The Alfred I. Dupont Institute Wilmington, Delaware.
[for Professionals mainly] "Informative ... easy to navigate ..."
Brief description of this condition contains Causes, Palsy in the Newborn, How is a Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy Made?, What is the Prognosis. We do not know the cause of most of cerebral palsy ... There are no specific events that, if they occur during pregnancy, delivery, or infancy, will always occurring at birth or right after birth. This is apparently why the incidence of CP in undeveloped and poverty stricken areas of the world, where infant mortality is very high, is the same as in northern Europe, where infant mortality is the lowest ... Modern obstetrical care, lowered infant mortality rates but not the incidence of cerebral palsy ... Cerebral palsy is the term used to describe the motor impairment resulting from brain damage in the young child regardless of the cause of the damage or its effect on the child ... Predicting what a young child with cerebral palsy will be like or what he will or will not do (called the prognosis) is very difficult. Any predictions for an infant under six months of age are little better than guesses.
NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Cerebral Palsy Information Page
Office of Communications and Public Liaison, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, April 16, 2007
[for Professionals mainly] "... detailed information on cerebral palsy ... includes its definition, prognosis, treatment, and research."
The term cerebral palsy refers to any one of a number of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination but don't worsen over time...
NIH Cerebral Palsy Detailed Information
Office of Communications and Public Liaison, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, April 16, 2007
[for Professionals mainly] "... detailed information on cerebral palsy ... includes its definition, prognosis, treatment, and research."
In the 1860s, an English surgeon named William Little wrote the first medical descriptions of a puzzling disorder that struck children in the first years of life, causing stiff, spastic muscles in their legs and, to a lesser degree, in their arms. These children had difficulty grasping objects, crawling, and walking. Unlike most other diseases that affect the brain, this condition didn't get worse as the children grew older. Instead, their disabilities stayed relatively the same...
University of Virginia Children's Hospital
Patrick Brown, University of Virginia, May 20, 2003
[for Families] "... quality site ... contains a tutorial ... also a testimonial from an 18 year old college student ..."
The words Cerebral Palsy are used to describe a medical condition that affects control of the muscles. Cerebral means anything in the head and palsy refers to anything wrong with control of the muscles or joints in the body. If someone has cerebral palsy it means that because of an injury to their brain (that's the cerebral part) they are not able to use some of the muscles in their body in the normal way (that's the palsy part). Children who have cerebral palsy, or CP, may not be able to walk, talk, eat or play in the same ways as most other kids.
Kids Health Cerebral Palsy
Reviewed by Steven Bachrach, MD, Nemours Foundation, March 2006
[for Families] "... written for children ..."
Some kids with CP use wheelchairs and others walk with the help of crutches or braces. In some cases, a kid's speech may be affected or the person might not be able to speak at all...
Cerebral Palsy - Facts & Figures
United Cerebral Palsy, October 2001
[for General Use]
Cerebral palsy is a term used to describe a group of chronic conditions affecting body movement and muscle coordination ..."Cerebral" refers to the brain and "palsy" to muscle weakness/poor control. Cerebral palsy itself is not progressive (i.e., it does not get worse); however, secondary conditions can develop which may get better over time, get worse, or remain the same ... What are the effects? Cerebral palsy is characterized by an inability to fully control motor function ... What are the causes? A large number of factors which can injure the developing brain may produce cerebral palsy ... the condition is often called congenital cerebral palsy ...
NOAH : Cerebral Palsy
NOAH Team, December 13, 2006
[Support Groups] "... for patients and relatives ..."
What is Cerebral Palsy? Causes of; Cerebral Palsy, Living with Cerebral Palsy, Care & Treatment, Information Resources ...
Cerebral Palsy
U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 8, 2007
[for General Use] "Excellent links to resources including tutorials, for children and teens ..."
Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders ... Usually they do not get worse over time ... may have difficulty walking ... writing or using scissors ... seizure disorders or mental impairment ...
CDC : Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, October 29,2004
[for General Use]
Cerebral Palsy Among Children. Each year about 10,000 babies born in the United States develop cerebral palsy. In many instances, the cause of the brain abnormality is unknown. About half of the people who have cerebral palsy need to use devices such as braces, walkers, or wheel chairs to help them get around, and almost 70% have other disabilities, primarily mental retardation ... the extra economic costs associated with cerebral palsy and 17 other birth defects, such as Down syndrome and spina bifida, showed that cerebral palsy had the highest lifetime costs per new case ($503,000 in 1992 dollars).
American Academy for Cerebral palsy and Developmental Medicine.
Cerebral Palsy
Christine Thorogood, MD et al, WebMD, July 15, 2005
[for Professionals Mainly]
Cerebral palsy is a static encephalopathy caused by an insult to the brain during the prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal period ... global dysfunction but always includes motor problems ... 3 main categories of motor disorder: (1) spastic (70-80%), (2) dyskinetic (10-15%), and (3) ataxic (<5%) ... The prevalence is 1.5-2 cases per 1000 live births ... Initial insult occurs between birth and age 2 years ... Asymmetric crawl or failure to crawl also may suggest cerebral palsy ... Many children with dyskinetic cerebral palsy have involvement of the face and oropharynx causing dysphagia, drooling, and dysarthria. Speech therapy can be implemented to help improve swallowing and communication. Some children benefit from augmentative communication devices ...
Cerebral Palsy
March of Dimes, January 30, 2004
Maternal Infection & the Risk for Cerebral Palsy
Mayo Clinic Staff, November 14, 2006
Cerebral Palsy Connection ( CPC )
March 5, 2006
Cerebral Palsy Help
Lawyers Incorporated, 2007
Cerebral Palsy Legal Aid
Williams Squires Brown & Gilliand L.L.P.
Understanding Cerebral Palsy
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy
The Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand
Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand.
Cerebral Palsy Association of Western Australia
The Centre for Cerebral Palsy, 2007
Cerebral Palsy Guidance
Provides answers and assistance to parents of children with cerebral palsy, 2017
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) Net
Parálisis cerebral
MedLine Plus, November 28, 2006
[Spanish] "... gate page to links ..."
Tutorial interactivo (Instituto para la Educación del Paciente) - Requiere el programa Flash ... Esperanza a través de la investigación ... Inyecciones de Botox ayudan a los niños con parálisis cerebral ...
Parálisis cerebral
Steven Bachrach, MD, The Nemours Foundation, March 2006
La parálisis cerebral es un trastorno que afecta a miles de bebés y niños cada año. No es contagiosa ...
tiene que ver con el cerebro ... debilidad o problema en la manera en la que una persona mueve o posiciona su cuerpo ...
dificultades para controlar los músculos del cuerpo ... el niño podría no poder caminar, hablar, comer o jugar de la manera que lo hace la mayoría de los niños ...
Tipos de parálisis cerebral
espástica, atetoide y atáxica. El tipo más común ... es la parálisis cerebral espástica ...
Mózgowe porażenie dziecięce
April 2007
Termin mózgowe porażenie dziecięce (MPDZ) ma rodowód sięgający XIX wieku.
Vidutinio amžiaus Kauno gyventojų gyvenimo kokybė
Miglė Kazlauskaitė, Laboratory of Population Studies, Institute of Cardiology, 2005
Kauno medicinos universiteto Kardiologijos instituto Populiacinių tyrimų laboratorijoje ištirti 35–64 metų 1347 Kauno gyventojai. Klausimyno tinkamumas tirtųjų kontingento gyvenimo kokybės tyrimui vertintas stabilumu ir pagrįstumu.
"Epidemiology of cerebral palsy and unfavourable neurodevelopmental outcome based on child population of Tartu city and county, in Estonia: prevalence, clinical features and risk factors" ("Laste tserebraalparalüüsi ja ebasoodsa arengutulemuse epidemioloogia Eestis Tartu linna ja maakonna näitel: levimus, kliinilised vormid ja riskitegurid").
Tiina Talvik, 2006
Stepanka Sprynarova, PhDr, Praha 1
Je to porucha hybnosti na podkladě poškození mozku, které si rodiče všimnou, až když se pohybový vývoj dítěte začne opožďovat. Bývá to po prvním půlroce života. Není to choroba dědičná ani nakažlivá. Nemá nic společného s dětskou obrnou - poliomyelitidou, která je infekční, virového původu a u nás již byla vymýcena.
Plavecká poloha u dětí s diagnózou dětská mozková obrna
Monika Šarinová et al, Katedra plaveckých sportů, FTVS UK v Praze
Plavání je pro děti s diagnózou dětská mozková obrna (dg. DMO) jednou z nejvhodnějších pohybových aktivit.
Детската Церебрална Парализа (ДЦП)
Specialized Hospital "Santa Sofia", 2001
Детската Церебрална Парализа е увреждане на развиващия се мозък на новороденото ...
Infantile Cerebral Palsy
Institut Guttmann, 2007
neurorehabilitation ... hospital ... people with disabilities ...
Cerebral palsy
September 11, 2006
الشلل الدماغي: هو اضطراب في حركة وشكل الجسم يظهر في السنوات الأولى من العمر ويردع هذا الشلل لتلف أو قصور في النمو الطبيعي لجزء صغير من الدماغ يتحكم في الحركة ...
Cerebral Palsy
I.B.I.S., February 15, 2002
Церебральний параліч відноситься до групи станів при яких порушується координація рухів та постава ...
діагноз "церебральний параліч" не ставиться доки дитині не виповнилось 2-3 роки ...
70-80% хворих мають спастичний церебральний параліч ...
Betreuung der motorischen Störungen von cerebral gelähmten Kindern
Christopher Newman, Rudolf Schlaepfer, La Chaux-de-Fonds und Beat Knecht, Zürich, Unité de neurologie et neuroréhabilitation pédiatrique Hôpital Orthopédique Av. Pierre-Decker 4 1005 Lausanne, Paediatrica Vol. 17 No. 4, 2006
Die Cerebralparese (CP) ist mit einer Inzidenz
von 2 bis 2,5 auf 1000 Geburten die
häufigste motorische Behinderung im Kindesalter ...
Ursachen der Zerebralparese und klassische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten
Ute Maurer, Klinische Abteilung für Neonatologie, Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde, Auenbruggerplatz 30, A-8036 Graz. Wien. Med. Wschr., 2002; 152: 14-18, January 2002
Die infantile Zerebralparese ist als eine nicht-progressive Erkrankung des unreifen Gehirns definiert, der verschiedene Ätiologien der prä-, peri- und postnatalen Periode zugrunde liegen können ...
Association de paralysie cérébrale du Québec - Qu'est-ce que la paralysie cérébrale?
Association de paralysie cérébrale du Québec, 2004
présente des renseignements sur la paralysie cérébrale ... les causes, les types ... les symptômes ... types de traitementes ... aussi les besoins ...
Infirmité motrice cérébrale (paralysie cérébrale)
SantéOntario.com, 2005
L'infirmité motrice cérébrale (IMC) englobe un groupe d'états qui ont un impact sur la coordination ... survient typiquement au cours d'une grossesse pendant le développement du foetus ...
Last Updated: 2019/06/27