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International Birth Defects Information Systems
Sturge - Weber - Dimitri

International Birth Defects Information Systems

Sturge - Weber - Dimitri

Topics: | Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis | Fourth Phacomatosis | Leptomeningeal Capillary - Venous Angiomatosis | Sturge Weber Dimitri Syndrome |

Related Topics : | Asperger Syndrome | Disabilities | Birth Defects | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |

Service Related: | Support Groups | Professional Associations | Key Information Sources |

Languages: | Danish | Dutch | English | Spanish | German | Ukrainian |

Notes per Visitors  
... also known as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis ... rare ... disorder ... arteriovenous malformation on one side of the brain ... present at birth ... port-wine stains of the face, glaucoma, seizures, mental retardation, and an ipsilateral leptomeningeal angioma ... rarely affects other organs in the body ... port-wine stain is the most striking skin characteristic ... deeply dilated capillaries ... produce reddish purplish discoloration ... found around the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve ... seen over the eye and forehead on the same side as the arteriovenous malformation ... start at birth and progressively get worse ... convulsions usually happen on the side opposite the lesion ... severity varies ... developmental delays ... can vary ... glaucoma at a very young age ... is common ... bulging of the eye ... Laser treatment can be beneficial ...

The Sturge - Weber Foundation
Visitor Comments [Support Group] "Excellent resource. "
The Sturge-Weber Foundation global mission is to improve the quality of life and care for people with Sturge-Weber syndrome and associated Port-Wine Birthmark conditions through tenacious collaboration with clinical partners and pioneers, education, advocacy, research and friendly support.

National Institue of Neurological Disorders and Stroke - Sturge Weber
Sturge-Weber syndrome is a rare, neurological disorder present at birth and characterized by a port-wine stain birthmark on the forehead and upper eyelid on one side of the face. The birthmark can vary in color from light pink to deep purple and is caused by an overabundance of capillaries (small blood vessels) around the trigeminal nerve just beneath the surface of the face.

Sturge-Weber Syndrome Community
Visitor Comments [Support Group] "Excellent support group website."
A worldwide community for individuals and families living with Sturge-Weber Syndrome.

Sturge-Weber Syndrome
U.S. National Library of Medicine, November 21, 2005
Visitor Comments "... information on symptoms and treatment along with illustrations. "

Sturge-Weber Foundation UK
Visitor Comments "British support group. "
Sturge Weber syndrome is a rare neurological disorder of unknown incidence and origin. It is NOT thought to be hereditary. Sturge Weber is usually indicated by a birthmark(port wine stain) somewhere on the face, usually involving the eye and forehead, also similar blood vessels on the brain, called an angioma. Those who suffer from SW often suffer from epilepsy, hemiplegia (a weakness or stiffness affecting one side of the body, similar in appearance to that of a stroke), glaucoma and learning difficulties. Symptoms usually occur in the child`s first year of life.

Hunter Nelson Sturge-Weber Center
Kennedy Krieger Institute, 2007
Visitor Comments "... treatment of Sturge-Weber Syndrome."
The Hunter Nelson Sturge-Weber Center at Kennedy Krieger Institute is dedicated to caring for patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS)...

Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Seattle Children's Hospital
Visitor Comments "... treatment of Sturge-Weber Syndrome."
Sturge-Weber syndrome causes abnormal blood vessels to grow in a child’s face, brain or both areas. Most children with this syndrome are born with a mark (called a capillary malformation or port wine stain) on the skin of their face. How severe Sturge-Weber syndrome is varies from child to child, but it may cause seizures, vision problems or developmental delays. These problems can last into adulthood.

Sturge - Weber Syndrome
Visitor Comments [for Professionals mainly]
Sturge-Weber syndrome is characterized by an intracranial vascular anomaly, leptomeningeal angiomatosis, most often involving the occipital and posterior parietal lobes. The most common symptoms and signs are facial cutaneous vascular malformations (port-wine stains), seizures, and glaucoma. Stasis results in ischemia underlying the leptomeningeal angiomatosis, leading to calcification and laminar cortical necrosis. The clinical course is highly variable and some children experience intractable seizures, mental retardation, and recurrent stroke-like episodes.

Síndrome de Sturge Weber, Revisión de la Literatura y Presentación de un Caso con Maloclusión Severa
Rafael J. Prato G., Sociedad Venezolana de Ortodoncia, March 29, 2005
Visitor Comments [Spanish]
El síndrome de Sturge Weber es una rara alteración vascular con componentes neurocutaneos, en el que se presentan manifestaciones sistémicas y bucales. Entre sus características se incluyen; el nevo cutaneofacial, angioma venoso en las leptomeninges, calcificaciones intracraneales, hemangiomas intrabucales e hiperplasia gingival. El caso presentado se refiere a un paciente que acude a consulta para realizar tratamiento ortodóntico por presentar una maloclusión severa concomitante con asimetría facial. En este trabajo se realizó una extensa revisión de la literatura en relación al síndrome de Sturge Weber y se señalan las alteraciones intra y extraorales que presentó el paciente al realizarse el diagnóstico ortodóntico ... El síndrome de Sturge Weber es un raro desorden neurológico que por lo general exhibe manifestaciones sistémicas y bucales. El signo clínico más característico es la presencia de un nevo en alguna parte de la cara y que suele apreciarse siguiendo una o varias de las ramas del nervio trigémino. En pacientes con el síndrome de Sturge Weber es común observar alteraciones vasculares intracraneales y oculares, así como también la afectación de estructuras intrabucales. Se relata el caso de un paciente que acude a consulta para realizar tratamiento ortodóntico por presentar una maloclusión severa. En este trabajo se realizó una extensa revisión de la literatura en relación al síndrome de Sturge Weber y se señalan las alteraciones intra y extraorales que presentó el paciente al realizarse el diagnóstico ortodóntico ...

Síndrome de Sturge weber. Revisión
Dr. Otman Fernández et al., Rev Cubana Pediatr v.71 n.3 Ciudad de la Habana jul.-set. 1999
Visitor Comments [Spanish]
La angiomatosis encefalotrigeminal (síndrome de Sturge-Weber) es el más frecuente de los síndromes neurocutáneos con predominio de anomalías vasculares. Es una enfermedad congénita, que aparece de manera esporádica y en su forma completa consiste en la asociación de angiomas cerebral, cutáneo y ocular que se caracterizan clínicamente por una mancha color vino en la cara, epilepsia, retraso mental, déficits neurológicos (hemiparesia y hemianopsia) y glaucoma. Para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad resultan de mucha utilidad los estudios de tomografía axial computadorizada y resonancia magnética nuclear craneales, así como para estudiar la relación del angioma leptomeníngeo u atrofia subyacente, importantes para el pronóstico y la conducta médica que se debe seguir. El control de las crisis epilépticas constituye un elemento capital para una evolución favorable de los pacientes. El tratamiento quirúrgico debe ser reservado para enfermos de corta edad, con afectación unilateral exclusiva, con epilepsia refractaria y sin retraso mental profundo; mediante la resección del área afectada, lobectomía o hemisferectomía, siempre que el otro hemisferio esté intacto. Se profundiza en los aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos, patogénicos y terapéuticos de esta enfermedad ... Descriptores DeCS: SINDROME DE STURGE-WERBER/terap/diag; HEMANGLIOMA; EPILEPSIA/terap; MANIFESTACIONES NEUROLOGICAS ...

Sturge - Weber syndrom (Denmark)
Visitor Comments [Support Group] [Danish] "Good support group link. "
Sturge-Weber syndrom er en medfødt sygdom, som er ret sjælden I Danmark. Formodentlig er der færre end 20-30 personer med syndromet i Danmark.

De Nederlandse Sturge - Weber - Vereniging (Holland)
Visitor Comments [Support Group] [Dutch]

Interessengemeinschaft Stureg-Weber-Syndrom (German)
Visitor Comments [Support Group] "Excellent resource. "
Sie haben die Diagnose Sturge-Weber-Syndrom erhalten und wissen nichts damit anzufangen? Dann erhalten Sie hier erste Informationen und Antworten. Allerdings wollen wir Sie darauf hinweisen, dass die Ausprägung von Patient zu Patient unterschiedlich ist und die hier enthaltenden Informationen lediglich als erste Informationsgrundlage dienen soll.

Sturge - Weber Syndrome
Visitor Comments [Ukrainian]
Inclusions ... Exclusions ... Main diagnostic criteria ... Classification ... Clinical signs ... Associated anomalies ... Differential diagnosis ... Prognosis ... Care ...


Last Updated: 2023/04/03


American Medical Association