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(About Prodigies)

Young Prizewinners are Our Ambassadors

Prodigy playing to promote the prevention of Birth Defects

(You may need a fast line connection)

Preludes: No12 in g sharp minor


 Viacheslav Zubkov


Second Prize Winner of the 

 2nd International Piano Competition (Group 3)

in Memory

of Vladimir Horowitz,

Kyiv, 1997

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This site offers information mostly for educational purposes. This site is not intended to alter health care protocols nor to serve  as a sole source of  medical information.  Please read full disclaimer. Always seek the advice of your local health care provider.
Copyright 1998 - 2001 I.B.I.S. All rights reserved.
Sponsor: I.B.I.S. | Site Concept: W. W., S. L. | Page Content: W. Wertelecki
Email: Webmaster

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September 09, 2001