Birth Defects - Syndromes - Malformations - Anomalies
- U - Z
- Ulrich Turner
- Vaginal Atresia
- Van der Hoeve - De Kleyn
- Van Der Woude
- VCF Takao
- Velo Cardio Facial
- Vertical Talus
- Virchow's Oxycephaly
- Vitamin A
- Von Hippel Lindau
- Von Mayer - Rokitansky - Kuster
- Von Recklinghausen Disease
- Vrolik Osteogenesis Imperfecta congenita
- Walker - Dandy
- Warkany
- Watson
- Watson Alagille
- Watson (Neurofibromatosis)
- Weber Klippel Trenaunay
- Weber Parkes
- Weber Sturge Dimitri
- Wermer
- Werner
- Wiedemann
- Wiedemann Beckwith
- Williams
- Wilms Tumor 2
- Wolf - Hirschhorn
- Wolfs syndrom 4p- syndromet
- X Fragile site Folic Acid type
- X ray
- X - linked Mental Retardation and macro-orchidism
- X - linked Mental Retardation associated with marXq28
- X - linked Mental Retardation Hypotonic Facies
- Xq28
- XXXY Males
- XXY Males
- Zollinger Ellison